At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you?

What will we learn?

Throughout this transformative program, you will:

  • Understand your child’s emotional world by learning to read the emotional needs

  • Support your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions

  • Enhance the development of your child's self esteem

  • Honour your innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure

Who’s it for?

Parents of children aged 0-5 years who would like to strengthen their relationship with their child and reflect on the ways in which they were parented.

If you have a history of a complex family dynamic, mental health challenges, or abuse or neglect - please consider that a face to face group may be more appropriate for you.

Please reach out if you would like to discuss whether the online version will be best for you. It is my duty of care to ensure that you have the best setting for you.

How it rolls.

Each week we will meet via Zoom to work through the chapter of Circle of Security together. The program is run through a combination of videos, exercises and group discussion.

We will then have a week to digest, practice and reflect. Each week we invite you to share your ‘Circle Stories’ because as you learn, once you see The Circle - you can’t stop seeing it in daily life with your kiddos.

Please note that these sessions can’t be recorded to maintain the integrity of the group nature of the program. This is a guideline from Circle of Security International. If you know you may be away for one of the weeks, you can contact your facilitator to arrange a catch up session.

Kind words

 "The impact of completing COS on me has been completely profound. It’s changed my relationship to parenting and myself as a mother like nothing else... Doing COS showed me the things I was already doing - instinctively. It reassured me that my own experiences are not going to be automatically repeated.

It gave me some real and grounded ways to parent that make sense to me. It reminded me that I am already a good enough mother. It also supported me in developing some real compassion for my parents - because they only ever responded out of their own 'shark music'."


Your investment

$440 AUD

*Payment plans available on request




Fiona’s group is running for 7 weeks on a Tuesday at 9:30am from 22nd October.

Fiona is an ex Social Worker and Early Intervention Parenting Clinician turned Parenting & Sleep Educator, and the founder of Mama Matters.

With Fiona


Samantha’s group is running on a Wednesday evening at 7pm AEST for 7 weeks from the 23rd October.

Samantha is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and beautiful soul. Her approach is gentle and kind.

With Samantha

Circle of Security FAQ’s

  • Sessions will typically go between 1-1.5 hours - some sessions are longer than others.

  • Absolutely - but they have to be all in, just as much as you are.

    It’s not appropriate for partners to be in and out whenever they can join - this affects the integrity of the group felt sense of safety.

    If your partner will be joining, please let me know in in the intake form after you sign up!

  • Yes! The Circle is happening from the minute you meet your baby. Some of the concepts will be more applicable as your child grows, but wowsie what an incredible start to your attachment relationship. Knowing The Circle from the start can be a gamechanger.

  • We are so used to working amidst the chaos of small people, and I want this course to be accessible for everyone. So of course, most of you will have your little babes around. You will just need to pop that mute button on when you need to and join in the discussions as much as you can!

  • Unfortunately not. And the reason is that this is founded as a group program - Circle of Security International have already been quite flexible in allowing it to be online! This is the same reason that sessions can’t be recorded. The magic is in the reflections and group discussion.

  • All good, we will be back. Whilst we can’t guarantee when or in what format (especially with impending baby), rest assured we will make something happen later this year.

  • Absolutely - please email me if you would like the option to pay weekly.